Definition of Sustainable Community
Nowadays sustainable development is very important in our living to make sure that we are sustain for the future generation. Sustainable communities is the communities planned, built, or modified to promote sustainable living for now and the future especially for the future generation. This may include sustainability aspects relating to equality, water, transportation, energy, and waste and materials. Sustainable communities have diverse dimensions which are scale, size, location, and time. Some cities have long standing traditions of sustainability while other communities are just beginning their sustainability journeys. Sustainable community is focus on three aspect. That are:
a) Economically,
b) Environmentally, and
c) Socially healthy and resilient.
This three aspects will evolve according to the time. It can be seen through the figure below:
Evolving Views of the Community
SOURCE: Copyright 1999 Maureen Hart. Reprinted with permission. Available at http://www.sustainable
As a result, a sustainable community manages its human, natural, and financial resources to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are equitably available for future generations. Besides that, sustainable community's success when many peoples are involve and give more commitment about that. The peoples should be responsible, caring, and also the sustainable community is serve the people with healthy community institutions, services, and businesses.
Besides that, sustainable community have several characteristics. That are:
1. Well run - with effective and inclusive participation, representation and leadership
2. Well connected - with good transport services and communication linking people to jobs, schools, health and other services
3. Well served - with public, private, community and voluntary services that are appropriate to people's needs and accessible to all
4. Environmentally sensitive - providing places for people to live that are considerate of the environment
5. Thriving - with a flourishing and diverse local economy
6. Well designed and built - featuring quality built and natural environment
7. Fair for everyone - including those in other communities, now and in the future
8. Active, inclusive and safe - fair, tolerant and cohesive with a strong local culture and other shared community activities
Component of Sustainable Communities
1. GOVERNANCE Effective and inclusive participation, representation and leadership.
2. TRANSPORT AND CONNECTIVITY Good transport services and communication linking people to jobs, schools, health and other services.
3. SERVICES A full range of appropriate, accessible public, private, community and voluntary services.
4. ECONOMY A flourishing and diverse local economy.
5. HOUSING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT A quality built and natural environment.
6. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL Vibrant, harmonious and inclusive communities.
7. ENVIRONMENTAL Providing places for peoples to live in an environmentally-friendly way.
Sources :The common Goal Defining and measuring sustainable communities at
The example of country which have strong sustainable community
1. China - Huangbaiyu
2. New Zealand
3. Papua New Guinea
4. United Kingdom
5. United State
Definition of Sustainable neighbourhood
Definition of Sustainable neighbourhood
A sustainable neighbourhood is feeling of community in one area that have mixed used of land used or development. It also that the people live and work together in one place for now and the future without argue with each others. They will respect with other without think the differentiation of culture work, races and others. They are safe and inclusive, well planned, built and run, and offer equality of opportunity and good services to all. (Bristol Accord, 6-7 December 2005).
The example design of Sustainable neighbourhood.